To book your selected trip with, please read the following terms and conditions carefully, fill it and send it with the deposit. Once we receive this form, we will send you other confirmation aspects of the trip.

Booking Procedure

A deposit of US$ 200 a trip is required at the time of booking together with the booking form. However, if you postpone and are visiting within same year, this amount will stay as a deposit. Your place on any tour/expedition will not be held secure unless this deposit is paid. Balance of payment or payment in full is required prior to trip departure.


Payment details

Unless otherwise specified, all payments are to be made into  NATURE -TREKS .COM HIMALAYA (P) LTD.

Account # 00901020000939 (USD), Global IME Bank Limited, Thamel Branch, Kathmandu, Nepal. SWIFT CODE: GLBBNPKA


Nature Treks Dot Com Himalaya Pvt. Ltd.

Account # 01701217502055 (USD), Nabil Bank,  Teendhara Branch, Kathmandu, Nepal, SWIFT CODE: NARBNPKA



All participants must purchase their own comprehensive travel insurance when paying a deposit, either from their agent or other insurance company.


Cancellation Policy

30 days prior to trip departure                                     10% trip cost cancellation per person

15 days prior to trip departure                                     30% trip cost cancellation per person

07 days prior to trip departure                                     60% trip cost cancellation per person

Less than 07 days prior to trip departure                  No refund or advance for your trip if you decide to do within the one year of time

Under no circumstances will there be a refund of any kind if you do not turn up for trip departure, or if you leave a trip for ANY reason, either voluntarily or involuntarily, after the trip has commenced. Any refunds due will be subject to the foreign exchange policies of the government of Nepal i.e. in rupees.


Personal Declaration

I have read and fully understand the information contained in the trip itinerary and other written materials issued by Himalaya Pvt. Ltd. for the expedition I have applied and I am competent and willing to cope with the situations, circumstances and conditions made clear in the printed materials. I recognize and agree that the realities made clear in the written information reflect the intrinsic characteristics of adventure travel and not least the matter of flexibility, adaptability, reasonableness, practical personal contribution to lifestyle en route and the fact that not all situations, circumstances and conditions subsequently encountered are identical to those pre-existing and prevailing at the time of booking.

I also recognize that I am undertaking a journey that contains a significant element of personal risk, and that risk does sometime become a reality. I acknowledge the relative remoteness, the rough traveling weather conditions, the limited and relative primitive medical and other services available, as well as the greater potential dangers compared with my usual daily life, or conventional holiday travel. Not only do I accept these realities, I have chosen to seek them out. I recognize Himalaya’s responsibility to me and I accept the authority and decisions of Himalaya and its representatives in respect to the journey that I have applied to join.