Spiny Babbler

Haibung birding

Birdwatching @Haibung and Dhap, Shivapuri national park It was so refreshing to be out in nature, not far from Kathmandu, yet out in the wild, in the nature that I loved every moment. The long due trip, finally was taken with 2 night luxury stay at Prakriti...

Covid-19 Time

The Time of Covid-19

When the virus  was first  heard of in Nepal back in January 2020, most people did not even think that this virus was going to come to Nepal too. The previous story of SARS and Swine Flu hardly made an impact in Nepal, hence, people...


Know Your BIRDS

Stay Connected to #Nature and Know Your BIRDS from your garden, backyard and around! People simply tend to ignore, forget or even may not want to see these very beautiful avian friends of ours, that are just in front of us, that can be seen in...

Time for Nature

Time for Nature!

Happy World Environment Day 2020! Today on June 5th, world is celebrating the World Environment Day of this pandemic year 2020! The #NewNormal will not just be the celebration, taking pictures and posting in the social media, making people feel, that you are really involved. Well, may...

Everest Day2020

Everest Day!

29 May is the Everest Day! Everest is seen and regarded as the one of the most powerful, majestic and challenging iconic Himalayan Peak of the world. Everest located in Nepal is hence one of the ultimate mountain peak for climbers. Everest was and will always...

with the community

New NORMAL post COVID-19

What is NEW Normal after COVID-19? Here's the serious question to us! Are we going to continue our business as usual? Will it be  a #NewNormal or or just old Normal ? This is a BIG questions to the world, yet simple too. How the countries and even all...

Visit Nepal

Dream now Explore Later!

We all know that, there is light after every dark night, there is sunshine after every rain, there is joy after every pain and there is new beginning everyday ! We at Nature Treks, believe that you are fighting well, against the Covid-19. Many of you...

StayHome StaySafe

Coping with Covid-19

Now, the world is shattered by the outbreak of #COVID-19. Since it appeared in Dec 2019, it has become a pandemic, causing thousands of human casualties, is now in almost every country of the world. It still does not look like its getting less, threatening the...