Dream now Explore Later!
We all know that, there is light after every dark night, there is sunshine after every rain, there is joy after every pain and there is new beginning everyday !
We at Nature Treks, believe that you are fighting well, against the Covid-19. Many of you have already won, back with family, congratulation. And we are very positive and hopeful, that this battle will be won soon, remembering those we have lost unfortunately.
We are thinking of you and concerned of your safety and good health. We all are together and together, we can work better to win against this pandemic soon. We know, there is no vaccine. However, the Good thing is, we can flight with this virus without any vaccine too. The simplest way is to #break_the_chain of its spread by maintaining the social distance, staying home, eating the healthy diets and maintaining a good hygiene.
Undoubtedly, it’s very difficult time with no movement, everything’s shut, no work and earning for living. Keeping healthy, not getting infected is the most important thing to do now. Sure, we can do it as good health is the best assets we can have in our life. We are hopeful that eventually this crisis, will be over. Stay positive and we will be back to normal routine and get wild to explore and meet friends. Hahaha…take it easy! Just dream for the great days ahead. One thing that is very -very clear is, we MUST align with #Nature, not against it. We must be kind to planet #earth- that is the only home, we have common, that we share with all living and non-living beings that makes world so beautiful and diverse and adequate. We can, sure survive in common harmony and respect each other, benefit from each other.
After the dawn of the normalcy, we would love to see you visiting us and explore and get the life time experience. Wait will be over soon! And for now…
DREAM, plan and think now and Travel, Visit and explore Later!

Dream now, visit later in Nepal!
Be Safe and well!
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